David Isack Mollel

​Unfortunately David’s mother died during his birth and the father is unable to care for him. He will stay at Neema for a couple of years until he is stable, healthy and able to return home. The mortality rate for mothers during childbirth in Africa is extremely high. Many of these little motherless babies will not survive due to lack of medical care, sterile procedures, electricity and clean water. Neema is always happy to step in when we are called to help. But we desperately need your help to continue to do this. Caring for babies is a full time, 24 hour a day, holidays included job. Our 42 full time Tanzanian staff are paid through sponsorships of these babies. Please help us continue to do this by sponsoring little boy David. You can set up a sponsorship for as little as $30 per month. Bless You!

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi